Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yo Quiero Taco Bell 2/16

I was riding in a van with about 8 kids from church, Heather (My former ice skating partner), and her mother and father. It was her birthday and we were all heading up to a special place in the land of make believe. We stopped at a Taco Bell for lunch. There were no chairs and a group of people waiting for their orders. I ordered a chicken nachos from the counter and proceeded to checkout. There sitting behind the registers were Tina Fey and Amy Poehler! They cracked a few jokes, which I don't remember now, and then I had them sign my chicken nacho Taco Bell receipt.

We continued driving further on when one of the church kids pulled out a guitar and it was passed around. When it came my turn, Heather's father yelled back and said I wasn't instrumentally trained for it. I got so mad! I called Brendan and said I would give him 75 bucks to come pick me up right then; but he said he didn't want to drive the two hours. We finally arrived at our destination and it was a tiny shack in the middle of nowhere, but when we all walked into the shack, the ceiling grew to about 100 ft high. The inside was decorated just a church, and their were rows upon rows of pews. The last thing I remember before I woke up was that all the kids started to preform songs and dance and I joined in. It was just like Glee! We ended singing Kiss my Prince.

Does anybody interpret dreams? I thought I was going to have nightmares about dolphins after watching "The Cove" before bed last night.


  1. Hahaha this is awesome! I quit using nicotine patches over this past summer and decided to blog about my crazy dreams! And we both called ourselves "Nicotine Dreams"! Mine is here, if you'd like to check it out - I'm definitely gonna read yours! I unfortunately started smoking again in October, but have thought about using the patch again. The crazy dreams are certainly a good incentive, and your blog should be as well. So thanks! :D

  2. i googled "nicotine dreams" and this came up and it's exactly what i was looking for. this blog is a fantastic idea. i'm disappointed that you didn't write anymore posts... :(

    i too have been wearing the patch for the past 2 days. i purposely change it right before bedtime because the dreams are so much fun.
